Crime & Bullying Prevention

High school principal in Texas kills himself in school parking lot

The principal of KIrbyville High School in Kirbyville, Texas, shot himself shortly after submitting his resignation.
May 24, 2017

Shortly after quitting his job, the principal of Kirbyville High School in Kirbyville, Texas, walked out to his truck and fatally shot himself, police say.

KTRE-TV reports that the suicide occurred Tuesday afternoon after principal Dennis Reeves met with the Kirbyville superintendent and assistant superintendent at the high school campus and submitted his resignation.

He then walked outside to his pickup in the school’s parking lot. District officials called the police department about an hour later because Reeves was still sitting in his truck, and people were starting to get worried.

Officers found Reeves in his truck shot to death. A .380-caliber semiautomatic pistol was found in Reeves’ hand, which was in his lap, and the pickup was still running.

Police did not find a note or anything that indicated that Reeves was going to take his own life.

Video from KTRE-TV:

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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