Mason, Ohio, high school opens $30 million addition

Aug. 27, 2009
Campus is likely to become the state's largest high school

From The Cincinnati Enquirer: With a $30 million addition, Mason High School in Mason, Ohio, is expected to be the state's largest when the official 2009-10 enrollment is recorded in early October. Officials expect the 49 new classrooms will help crowding for the school's more than 3,200 students.

MARCH 2009...from The Cincinnati Enquirer: The Mason (Ohio) School District's 73-acre main campus soon will grow again, and its high school is on pace to become the largest in the state. Work is on schedule for opening a $30 million addition to Mason High, which will add 49 classrooms to the school's existing 150 classrooms. At 3,025 students now, it barely trails Hamilton County's Oak Hills High School's 3,057 enrollment. With dozens of new students projected to enroll at Mason High next school year to help fill the two new, three-story wings, Mason should take the lead in total enrollment. Eventually, say school officials, high school enrollment will top out at about 3,750 within the years.

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