Oklahoma district wins approval of $142 million school bond

Oct. 18, 2009
Deer Creek system will build middle school, elementary school

From The Daily Oklahoman: Voters in the Deer Creek (Okla.) district have approved a $142.1 million bond package. The bonds will pay for a second middle school. The $50 million campus will have 30 classrooms, including two art rooms, computer labs and a band/choir room. The school also will have a gymnasium, media center and a cafeteria with a stage as well as athletic fields and facilities. Plans also call for construction of a fifth elementary school, a 50-classroom expansion at the high school and a $28 million performing arts and athletic center.

AUGUST 2009... from The Edmund Sun: The Deer Creek (Okla.) School School Board has voted to place a $142.1 million bond election on the Oct. 13 ballot. The bond initiative includes 12 construction projects, including the construction of a second middle school, designed to accommodate 800 students, and a fifth elementary school, designed for 600 students.

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