Police say Eastern Michigan University fraternity may have obstructed rape investigation

Feb. 26, 2009
Student at Ypsilanti, Mich., house refused to let officers enter to gather evidence

Members of an Eastern Michigan University fraternity knew that an 18-year-old student said she was raped during their house party, yet students refused to let police immediately investigate. Ypsillanti police say that could be grounds for criminal charges. When police arrived at the Kappa Phi Alpha fraternity house around 4:30 a.m. Friday no one in the house would answer the repeated pounds on the door. Police couldn't gain access until around 7 a.m. when officers obtained a search warrant and kicked down the door. As officers waited outside, evidence could have been tampered with or destroyed, which could equate to obstructing a police investigation.
To read The Detroit News article, click here.

EARLIER: Administrators at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti have suspended the off-campus fraternity where an 18-year-old student was allegedly raped and are conducting their own investigation into the matter. The woman reported being at a party a a fraternity house that belongs to Kappa Phi Alpha. She told authorities that she fondled by several men and raped by at least one of them.
To read The Detroit News article, click here.

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