Building Structure

Officials break ground on K-8 school in Mobile, Ala.

$15 million Fournier-Chastang School will replace existing elementary and middle school buildings.
March 13, 2015

The Mobile County (Ala.) district has broken ground on a new $15 million K-8 School.

The Fournier-Chastang School is scheduled to open in Mobile’s Trinity Gardens community in either the fall of 2016 or January 2017. It is intended to replace Chastang Middle School and Brazier Elementary School.

The 94,000-square-foot two-story red-brick school will have 27 classrooms.  It also will have a large media center with an adjacent reading room, an art classroom, a class for music/vocal/dance, an elementary science demonstration classroom and an elementary computer laboratory, as well as middle school laboratories for biology, chemistry and computer. There will be a gymnasium with seating for 400, a large cafeteria and modern kitchen, laboratories and small group rooms.

The school is named for longtime Mobile County educator and former school board member Hazel Fournier and Elizabeth Chastang, who opened the first school in Trinity Gardens and was a teacher and principal.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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