Technology & Communications

Creating an Online Instructional Improvement System

An online instructional improvement system can track student progress and individualize curriculum and lesson plans.
Feb. 11, 2013
2 min read

To fulfill commitments made for the federal Race to the Top program, Ohio and Massachusetts are collaborating to establish an online instructional improvement system to track student progress and individualize curriculum and  lesson plans.

The Ohio Department of Education is collaborating with the Ohio Board of Regents to incorporate, a one-stop home for high-quality K-12 content that is aligned with the state’s new learning standards, into the instructional improvement system.

The iLearnOhio instructional improvement system is the result of a collaboration of the Ohio Resource Center, The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology, and the Board of Regents. 

“It has never been more important for educators to use modern technology to give students customized learning options based upon real data about their needs,” says Michael Sawyers, Acting Superintendent of Public Instruction. 

The system will enable teachers to accelerate and personalize a student’s education experience by providing:

-Online access to curriculum and standards.

-Curriculum customization.

-Easy-to-use paper, online and clicker test administration options that teachers can use to determine what progress students have made and what help they need.

-Data analysis and reporting capabilities.

-A portfolio of every student’s work.

By partnering on the project, the states were able to attract more competitive bids for the system.

The system is expected to be available to Race to the Top schools in Ohio beginning next school year.

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