Construction Zone: High-tech high school
The Academy of Information Technology & Engineering (AITE), Stamford, Conn., is a college-preparatory public high school that engages students in curricula enriched by information technology resources.
Every section of the school can be used as a teaching area. Movable lecterns, wireless technology, shared overhead projectors and more allow students and teachers to collaborate. Additionally, the atrium can be used for recreation or instruction. Technology-rich features include the most current zoned wireless system, a fiber-optic ring; eChalk boards; and shared print and laptop storage/recharge drawers.
The school features energy-saving technologies, such as a thermal and ice storage system that harvests and stores energy during low-demand evening hours for use during the daytime, and sun-shading devices on its large window systems. Advanced materials such as ground-face, insulated block; an aluminum curtainwall system with high-performance glass; insulated metal panels; and a 60-foot diameter translucent dome over the media center and teacher work room, ensure energy efficiency as well.
The architect is Fuller and D'Angelo (Elmsford, N.Y.).