Jeffrey Totaro
Brigadier General Anna Mae Hays Elementary School 62828b85c4cb7

From the 2021 Architectural Portfolio: Brigadier General Anna Mae Hays Elementary School

May 16, 2022
Brigadier General Anna Mae Hays Elementary School was recognized in the elementary school category of American School & University's 2021 Architectural Portfolio.

Completed in 2020, the Brigadier General Anna Mae Hays Elementary School in Allentown, Pa., is a major milestone in the Allentown School District’s effort to renew its instructional facilities for 21st-century learning. The four-story school is on a repurposed center-city site and accommodates 875 students in grades K-5. It is composed of academic and shared facility wings and includes a community services building with pre-K, adult education, food pantry, and health service amenities.

Read more about the project and view a photo gallery of Brigadier General Anna Mae Hays Elementary School at

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