New 4 5 Elementary Building 6369577ba809f

From the 2022 Educational Interiors Showcase: New 4/5 Elementary Building

Nov. 7, 2022
The design was recognized as an outstanding project in the Common Areas category.

The original elementary building in Coldwater, Mich., no longer met the needs of the Coldwater district and was set far outside the main part of the city. The new Elementary Building is a two-story facility for grades 4 and 5 that was erected in the center of town, near the middle school. The two grades are assigned to their own floors to create a natural separation. The main level of the building is zoned into classroom wings that can be separated for security purposes from the public spaces of the lobby, gymnasium, and cafeteria.

Read more about the New 4/5 Elementary Building and view a photo gallery at

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