
From the 2022 Architectural Portfolio: Ramstein High School

The project was recognized in the High School category.
Feb. 27, 2023

Ramstein High School on the Ramstein Air Station in Germany represents the next generation of schools for the Department of Defense Education Activity. It replaces an outdated building with a technology-rich learning environment for students. The dynamic activity commons in the central core of the campus is a three-story space that connects the academic neighborhoods to the gymnasium, administration and support spaces. The academic spaces create a new classroom paradigm that blends pedagogy, technology and space to create an active studio environment. Each neighborhood has studios and staff collaboration areas that open into a larger learning hub. The media center has been transformed into a global resource center. The space is filled with daylight, making it comfortable for projects, research and studying.

Read more about Ramstein High School and view a photo gallery at

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