Miami in Focus
Sfacs Shb 6442ef062f32f

From the 2022 Architectural Portfolio: South Florida Autism Charter School

April 21, 2023
The project was recognized in the Specialized Facilities category.

South Florida Autism Charter School in Hialeah is dedicated to providing education and therapeutic services to individuals in Miami-Dade or Broward counties diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. The two-story classroom facility is part of a five-acre, suburban campus that serves 400 K-12 students and individuals up to 21 years of age. The school’s plan is organized along a central circulation spine that connects administrative, social, and therapeutic program elements with the linear, two-story classroom wing. A linear outdoor recreation space provides a layer of separation from the busy roadway to the building’s south. Both the internal simplicity of the plan organization and external forms create a physical environment centered on clarity and flexibility.

Read more about South Florida Autism Charter School and view a photo gallery at

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