Wade Griffith
66d0db4595df2d07226d3f39 Alief Jefferson Edited

From the 2024 Educational Interiors Showcase: Jefferson Early Learning Center

Aug. 29, 2024
The project received the Crow Island School Citation as the top preK-12 design in the competition.

The Alief (Texas) district's  Jefferson Early Learning Center campus in Houston is organized into two villages that provide students with a sense of community and place. Following the theme of connecting children to nature and a sense of place, each village has unique outdoor learning environments; a centralized courtyard and two outdoor exploration courtyards. The villages surround a central building spine that shares administrative spaces, instructional support, and shared core enrichment spaces like indoor play, art, and music.

Read more about the Jefferson Early Learning Center and view a photo gallery at SchoolDesigns.com.

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