
To cut costs, Oregon district looks to sell its 3 elementary schools

Gervais district would create a K-12 campus to accommodate students
July 24, 2012

From The Salem Statesman-Journal: The Gervais (Ore.) School District wants to sell its three elementary schools to stave off furlough days and teacher cuts. The district has about 1,000 students. Nearly 500 students attended Brooks and Eldriedge elementary schools last year, and the district rents out the third, North Howell Elementary. The price tag is $3.7 million for all three elementary schools. If the schools are sold, elementary students would move next fall to a consolidated K-12 campus. It would cost about $1.8 million to add enough portables to make it work, but the district estimates the move would save between $500,000 and $800,000 a year in maintenance, transportation and administration costs.

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