Fairfax County unlikely to alter school start times
The Fairfax County (Va.) School Board has indicated its firm opposition to a proposal that would alter school schedules and rearrange bus routes for all 169,000 county students, largely to give teen-age students more sleep. School Board members agree that the proposal has too many negative repercussions for families, but they disagreed on whether to shut the door permanently on the proposal.
Read The Washington Post article. FROM FEBRUARY 2009: A proposal in Fairfax County, Va., to push back high school start times and give teenagers more opportunity to sleep is sounding alarms for hundreds of parents, students and school staff members, who worry that the extra rest isn't worth the scheduling headaches it would cause. School officials still are studying the implications of the plan, which would reroute buses and change start times for all 169,000 Fairfax students.To read The Washington Post article, click here.FROM JANUARY 2009: Transportation planners in the Fairfax County (Va.) school district have developed a no-cost proposal to deliver students to high school later in the morning, boosting the case for a change in schedule sought by parents who say that the 7:20 a.m. opening bell deprives teenagers of needed sleep. The latest proposal marks an about-face for school officials, who have assumed that altering the bus schedule would carry a hefty price. The district transports about 127,000 eligible riders to nearly 200 schools.
To read The Washington Post article, click here.