Jury awards nearly $1 million to high school student injured by ball hit with aluminum bat
From The Daily Oklahoman: More than five years after a Norman (Okla.) High School pitcher was struck in the face by a line drive, his parents have won a product liability claim against the maker of the aluminum bat used in the game. A jury has awarded Michael and Cathy Yeaman nearly $1 million in damages. It found Hillerich & Bradsby liable for the design of the Exogrid Model CB71X, and for failing to warn of the bat's dangers. Dillon Yeaman was pitching in a summer league against Westmoore High on June 28, 2006, when he was struck in the face by a batted ball. The impact broke his nose and the bone containing his eyeball. Yeaman, 15 at the time, underwent surgery that included the removal of tissue in the sinus cavity behind his forehead. Plates also were implanted, and he was left with a large scar on his scalp.