
$167 million bond package rejected in Edison Township, N.J.

District wanted to build an elementary, upgrade 13 schools
Jan. 27, 2010

FromThe Asbury Park Press: Edison Township, N.J., voters have rejected two ballot questions that sought approval for a total of $167 million for school construction and expansion. The bond proposal sought $137 million for additions and improvements to 13 schools, and $29.7 million for a new 672-student elementary school.

Earlier...from MycentralJersey.com: Residents in Edison, N.J., will be asked to vote in January on a $166.8 million school bond package for additions and improvements to existing schools and construction of a new elementary school. The school district has not had much luck in the past with seven bond proposals failing in the past nine years. Two separate questions will be on the ballot: a $137.7 million bond for additions to 13 schools and a $29 million bond for construction of a new 600-student elementary school on the district-owned Thomas Jefferson Middle School site.

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