
Action plan promises major improvements at City College of San Francisco

Numerous deficiencies have put community college's accreditation at risk
Oct. 16, 2012

From The San Francisco Chronicle: The embattled City College of San Francisco is promising wholesale change to correct the problems that have put its accreditation at risk. The college met a critical deadline by submitting an action plan to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, which has threatened to close the school if it doesn't mend its free-spending ways. The report addresses the 14 problems cited earlier this year by the commission.


Earlier... September 2012....from The San Francisco Chronicle: City College of San Francisco will hire new leaders, lay off faculty, close and lease out properties, and make enrichment classes a low priority as part of its push to remain accredited and stay in business. The college is putting together a plan for addressing the 14 major fiscal and managerial deficiencies identified in July by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges that jeopardize the college's future. The commission gave the college until Oct. 15 to produce a final action plan, and until March 15 to turn itself around.

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