Puyallup (Wash.) district bond request is failing
A $314 million bond package in the Puyallup (Wash.) district appears to be failing. Two ballot questions comprised the package: a $257 million construction bond request, and a $57 million capital projects levy. Each needed to receive a 60 percent majority, and election night returns showed each was receiving only 46 percent support. The district would have used the funds to expand Emerald Ridge, Puyallup and Rogers high schools, officials say. The bonds also would have covered a long list of other projects, including replacing Firgrove, Spinning and Waller Road elementaries.
Read The Tacoma News-Tribune article.
View unofficial Puyallup district election results from Pierce County, Wash., auditor.
The Puyallup (Wash.) district is asking voters in March to approve a $314 million bond package. The money would enable the district to carry out numerous construction projects, including a 750-student elementary school; a 400-student classroom addition at Emerald Ridge High School; the second and third floors at Puyallup High School; an 1,800-student auxiliary gym at Rogers High School; and replacement of Firgrove, Spinning, and Waller Road elementary schools.