Residents criticize escalating cost of Wake County, N.C., high school project
From The Raleigh News & Observer: The escalating price tag for the proposed Forest Ridge High School in northeastern Wake County, N.C., is being criticized by neighbors of the project and the mayor of Rolesville, who wanted the school built far closer to his town. School administrators originally estimated that road improvements for Forest Ridge High would cost $1.6 million. But a list of demands by the city of Raleigh and the state Department of Transportation has increased the cost of road improvements to $7.4 million.
From The Raleigh News & Observer: It could cost an additional $5.7 million to open a problem-plagued high school in northeastern Wake County, N.C. Wake County school administrators say they will ask county commissioners for additional money to pay for road improvements around Forest Ridge High School. The improvements have been mandated by state transportation and City of Raleigh officials. Even if commissioners provide the money, school administrators warn that they're on such a tight timetable that they might not be able to meet the August 2012 opening date for the school.