
Cornell University is installing nets on bridges to deter suicides

Many students and others have jumped from the bridges in suicide attempts
Aug. 20, 2012

From The Ithaca Journal: Cornell University will begin to install nets on several bridges in Ithaca, N.Y., in an effort to deter suicide attempts. Plans for some type of barriers began soon after three Cornell students committed suicide by jumping from bridges within a month of each other in spring 2010. Temporary chain-link fences were erected and then replaced with less obtrusive black fencing, and a public debate began over whether nets were the most effective way to prevent suicide.

Earlier: MARCH 2010....from The New York Times: Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y.,has erected temporary fencing along three university-owned bridges that cross the deep gorges on its campus, where three students have jumped to their deaths in recent weeks. University officials also are talking with city officials about putting up similar fencing along three other, city-owned, bridges on campus. The installation of the eight-foot chain-link fencing came after the university consulted with experts on suicide prevention and bridge barriers.

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