
California is running out of lunch money

Increased demand for government-subsidized school meals has depleted funding
Feb. 12, 2009

An unexpected spike in demand for government-subsidized school meals inCalifornia could cause the state to run out of lunch money before the end of the school year, state Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell says. O'Connell is asking the legislature to approve spending an additional $19.5 million on school lunches at a time when the state is grappling with a $42 billion budget shortfall. To read The San Diego Union-Tribune article, click here.

FROM DECEMBER 2008: California may run out of money again this year to supplement school meals, in part because more struggling families are taking part in the free or reduced-price school lunch programs. The federal government provides $2.17 to $2.57 for each free or reduced-price meal, and California provides an additional 22 cents. Last school year, the state money ran out in May, and it is likely to run out earlier this school year. Jack O'Connell, the state superintendent of public instruction, is requesting $31.1 million from the general fund to prevent that. To read The Los Angeles Times article, click here.

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