New school boss greeted by boos in Chicago
The first appearance of newly appointedChicago Public Schools CEO Ron Huberman at a school board meeting didn't go so well. Huberman was booed by a packed audience that called him an educational novice and a political appointee of Mayor Richard Daley. Before being named to run the school system, Huberman was president of the city's public transit system; before that, he had been Daley's chief of staff. To read The Chicago Tribune article, click here. EARLIER: Community and educational leaders in Chicago say that Mayor Richard Daley's appointment of Ron Huberman as head of the city's public school system is a political move, citing the newly named CEO's lack of professional educational experience. But Daley defended the decision, saying that before he took control of the school system in 1995, the district was run by educational leaders and was in terrible shape. To read The Chicago Tribune article, click here.
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley will name Chicago Transit Authority President Ron Huberman as schools CEO after convincing bypassed chief education officer Barbara Eason-Watkins to swallow her pride and stay on as Huberman's partner. A tireless mayoral trouble-shooter with no background in education, Huberman, 37, replaces Arne Duncan, whom President Barack Obama has appointed as U.S. education secretary.
To read The Chicago Sun-Times article, click here.
For more about Duncan's appointment, click here.