Keep cap on North Carolina charters, group says
A nonpartisan organization says that North Carolina's 100-school cap on charter schools should remain in place, at least until student performance improves and the schools are more racially integrated. In examining data from the charters, which first opened 10 years ago, the N.C. Center for Public Policy Research found that financial troubles at some schools remain worrisome and that their innovative curricula has failed to carry over to traditional schools.
Click here to read The Raleigh News & Observer article.
EARLIER: More than 500 supporters rallied at the North Carolina General Assembly to urge state lawmakers to remove a cap that limits the number of charter schools in the state to 100. Supporters say allowing more charter schools would alleviate crowding in traditional public schools and provide more and better specialized learning opportunities for at-risk, special-needs and minority students.
Click here to read The Raleigh News & Observer article.