
Survey of 50 urban districts finds more than $76 billion in facility needs

Council of the Great City Schools says building needs are widespread
Oct. 17, 2011

From the Council of the Great City Schools: A survey of 50 large urban school districts has found more than $76 billion in facility needs. The Council of the Great City Schools says that the districts identified $15.3 billion in new construction needs; $46.7 billion in repair, renovation, and modernization needs; and $14.4 billion in deferred maintenance needs. The districts also reported that if funds were available, they could begin immediately meeting about 18 percent of their new construction needs; about 12 percent of their repair, renovation, and modernization needs; and about 29 percent of their deferred maintenance needs. The 50 school systems responding to the survey comprise 8,561 elementary and secondary schools and enroll 5,258,404 students.

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