
Neighbors of El Segundo High School annoyed by film crews

They say film crews bring too much noise and congestion to California community
June 30, 2009

From The Los Angeles Times: El Segundo (Calif.) High School was built in 1927, with brown brick Neo-Gothic architecture, pine trees and a spacious and well-groomed front lawn. It can stand in for Anywhere U.S.A. -- whether that means the TV shows "CSI: Miami," "24" and "Beverly Hills 90210" or the movies "Superbad" and "War Games." In these tough economic times, El Segundo can pick up a significant piece of change by doubling the number of days film crews shoot at the school (they're charged as much as $7,000 a day). Many other school districts would love the extra revenue. But to those living near El Segundo High, filming can also mean congestion and noise regardless of who the star is. Complaints about the disruption have led the City Council to limit shooting days and work to balance neighbors' concerns with the school's need for more money.

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