
Washington, D.C., chancellor concedes she may be pushing too much change too fast

Michelle Rhee tells teachers she may have gone too far in trying to fix everything at once
March 16, 2009

Washington, D.C., Schools Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee concedes that in the drive "to fix everything all at once," she and her staff might have overwhelmed teachers with new programs and initiatives to turn around the under-performing school system. Union officials contend that Rhee is playing politics with the union membership rather than responding at the bargaining table to a contract proposal they submitted at the end of January. Since her appointment in June 2007, Rhee has moved with urgency at all levels of the school system. In a letter to the District's 4,000 teachers and specialists last week, Rhee acknowledges that she might have tried to take on too much too soon.

Read The Washington Post article.

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