New York City decides to close charter school because of mediocre performance
From The New York Times: For the first time, New York City is closing a charter school for the offense of simply being mediocre. Peninsula Preparatory Charter School, an elementary school in Queens, has been open for seven years. Since 2004, the city has closed only a few of its 142 charters that have opened. But as more of the city’s charter schools have reached the five-year renewal mark, the school system has become increasingly impatient with weak-performing ones.
Earlier: New York City’s Department of Education plans to close two charter schools in Brooklyn and Queens at the end of this school year. City officials are seeking to revoke Williamsburg Charter High School's charter after the school, which was put on probation in September, did not follow the city’s recommendations for improvement. Officials also intend to close the Peninsula Preparatory Charter School, where students’ test scores fell below the goals in the school’s charter. (The New York Times)