
Florida school goes on lockdown after students develop rash

12 students from McArthur High in Hollywood treated, but no cause of rash has been found
May 17, 2012

From The South Florida Sun-Sentinel: McArthur High School in Hollywood, Fla., was the scene of a mass casualty response after a mysterious rash prompted a lockdown affecting thousands of people and sent 12 students and two teachers to nearby hospitals. Members of the regional hazmat response team searched for a residue or other cause of the rash in the school. None was found, and officials said no one was stricken with breathing difficulties. Meanwhile, 75 to 80 other students were moved from the affected building to other areas of the high school.

Earlier...from The Miami Herald: McArthur High School in Hollywood, Fla.,has been evacuated after at least 14 students and three teachers were exposed to a substance that caused them to break out in rashes. Hazmat units were on the scene, setting up decontamination tents where the victims will remove their clothing and be placed into showers.

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