Energy Management

Ohio State University approves energy conservation upgrades

Board of trustees okays improvements related to university's 50-year energy management project.
Feb. 8, 2018
2 min read

The Ohio State University Board of Trustees has approved energy conservation projects that will improve lighting at dozens of campus buildings and create a more efficient heating and cooling system for a campus laboratory building.

The university says the improvements are among several related to its Comprehensive Energy Management Project, a 50-year, $1.165 billion partnership with Ohio State Energy Partners to manage the university’s energy system and improve the sustainability of the Columbus campus.

As part of the partnership, Ohio State Energy Partners has committed to improve the energy efficiency of the Columbus campus by at least 25 percent within 10 years. That target is one of the university’s sustainability goals.

The two proposals approved by the Board of Trustees represent the first major energy conservation measures under the new relationship:

•A $3.4 million lighting project will upgrade the interior lighting in 51 campus buildings to LED technology. In all, the project will upgrade more than 50,000 lights.

•Dreese Laboratory also will receive a $2.3 million upgrade of its heating and cooling systems that is projected to reduce energy consumption in the building by 37 percent. The upgrade will supplement existing chillers and cooling towers with a new heat recovery chiller, pumps and hydronic system modifications, HVAC control upgrades, and insulation of steam valves and fittings.

Beyond the energy conservation projects, the Board also approved four other capital projects to maintain Ohio State’s energy system. They involve:

•Upgrading the university’s natural gas system
•Modernizing the controls and safety systems at McCracken Power Plant
•Utility improvements at the Martha Morehouse Medical Plaza
•Design of infrastructure upgrades along College Avenue.

These four projects will cost Ohio State Energy Partners $8.7 million.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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