The Fort Wayne (Ind.) district is creating "clean air" with coronavirus relief funding
The Fort Wayne (Ind.) school district is aiming to improve their air quality thanks to federal coronavirus relief funding.
Each school and clinic will receive advanced plasma air purification units to its heating, ventilation and air conditioning units, reports The Journal Gazette.
Two elementary schools, Arlington and Lincoln, along with two school clinics will be among those to see upgrades.
The district is paying for the upgrade with funds from the second round of federal coronavirus relief . The district's allocation is about $42 million.
That allocation and the $100.8 million earmarked for the school system in the third funding round will also help pay for architectural renovations that will enclose what are now open classrooms at Arlington and Lincoln.
Renovation plans also call for exterior window replacements, mechanical upgrades and associated electrical upgrades “as needed to support these improvements with a focus on improving indoor air quality.”