Covid relief funding will help pay for HVAC upgrades at Dearborn (Mich.) district

The district is estimating it will pay $3 million over the next few years to help design HVAC solutions across the district.
Oct. 12, 2021

The Dearborn (Mich.) school district is using its Covid relief funds to improve HVAC infrastructure, among other upgrades at several buildings. 

The Dearborn Press and Guide reports the district, in an effort to improve the air quality in its schools, is adding air-conditioning, upgrading electrical systems, improving windows, and replacing boilers.

Funding comes from the federal government's Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds, ESSER. The district is estimating it will pay $3 million over the next few years to help design HVAC solutions.

Many of the district’s school buildings are old and rely on boilers and radiators for heat. That means air ducts would need to be added to carry air conditioning through the building. Most buildings also would need major electrical system upgrades to handle the heavy draw from air conditioning units.

Another estimated $1 million may be used to renovate two buildings at Henry Ford College, which are used for district programs.

The district has set aside about $40 million in ESSER funding to spend on infrastructure before September 2023.

The biggest part of the HVAC work is expected to occur next summer, and the rest will be completed in summer 2023.

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