$8.4 million HVAC and electrical upgrade approved for high school in Logan, W.Va.

West Virginia education department approves funding for overhaul at Logan High School.
Dec. 30, 2022

The West Virginia Department of Education has approved a nearly $8.4 million project to upgrade the electrical and HVAC system at Logan High School in Logan, W.Va.

The Logan Banner reports that the high school is one of several school facilities in the county selected for HVAC upgrades using federal Covid relief funds.

Architects have told the district that it will have to replace an out-of-code electrical system at Logan High before HVAC upgrades can be carried out. 

The electrical problems include out-of-date wiring and subpanels in need of replacement, and a main distribution panel that is “on its last legs.” The result of the electrical findings caused the project to go $3.5 million over budget to an estimated $8,393,478.

Plans call for $4,887,896 is to be paid from the Covid funding. The remainder of the project, totaling $3,505,482, will be paid for using county funds.

The project might take until fall 2024 to complete because of supply problems, officials say.

The architect for the Logan High upgrades is Williamson Shriver Architects.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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