Facilities Management

MIdland (Texas) board removes the name Robert E. Lee from high school

The district is the latest of many that have been renaming schools that had been named for Confederate or pro-slavery figures.
July 28, 2020

Another school district has decided to remove the name of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from one of its schools.

KOSA-TV reports that the Midland (Texas) school board has voted 6 to 1 to change the name of Robert E. Lee High School—both the senior high and the freshman facility.

A citizen’s committee will be formed to come up with a new name. School Board President Rick Davis says the committee will include a variety of  stakeholders, including students.

The costs associated with the change will not be known until a new name is chosen.

Last week, the Fairfax County (Va.) school board decided to rename Robert E. Lee High School in Springfield, Va., in honor of the recently deceased congressman and civil rights leader John Lewis.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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