Facilities Management

Plans for a charter school are blocked in Anaheim, California

The city council voted not to allow Scholarship Prep to open an elementary school on what is now church property.
Sept. 15, 2023

The Anaheim, California, City Council has blocked plans for a charter school development after residents expressed concerns about having a new school open near their homes.

The Orange County Register reports that Scholarship Prep, a public charter school network in Southern California, wanted to acquire property owned by a church and open a campus for up to 480 students in kindergarten through eighth grade.

The city's Planning Commission had already approved the project, but a resident appealed to the city council, which voted 5 to 1 to block the proposal.

Nearby residents told the city council that they were concerned about traffic spillover and noise caused by the school.

Councilmembers said they also were concerned about traffic safety during pickup and drop-off times for the school, as well as noise and air pollution. Several single-family homes surround the site in question.

The Cove Church owns the property.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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