More than three decades after a Catholic school closed in Cincinnati's Bond Hill neighborhood, a new Catholic school is set to open. reports that Xavier Jesuit Academy will begin classes on Wednesday.
In the first year, Xavier Jesuit Academy will serve 45 boys in the third, fourth, and fifth grades. The academy plans to accept boys through eighth grade.
The school will be housed in what used to be the St. Agnes school, a Catholic elementary that closed in 1993.
As a Jesuit school, Xavier already has established links with St. Xavier High School and Xavier University.
Kyle Chandler, founding principal, says private donations have paid for the school’s $9 million renovation and will also support student scholarships.
The tuition of Xavier Jesuit Academy is around $12,500, but Chandler says no family will have to pay that price. At most, families could pay $1,000 for the year, he says, and some will pay nothing at all.
The school is focusing on ensuring that it has the resources and donations to maintain the Jesuit education model.