The Amarillo (Texas) district is considering whether to consolidate some of its campuses next year to address enrollment drops.
The Amarillo Globe-News reports that Superintendent Doug Loomis has presented the board a list of eight schools with enrollment under 300 students that are being monitored for possible closure or consolidation.
Enrollment in the Amarillo district has steadily declined over the past decade; it has 4,290 fewer students than it had in 2017 - a drop of 12.8%.
“Potter County has seen a significant drop in its population,” Board President Doyle Corder says. “It's also an older demographic. Many people my age no longer have children in the home, which directly impacts our schools.”
KFDA-TV reports that according to district guidelines, when a school’s enrollment decreases to around 300 students, the campus is placed on a watchlist. If enrollment drops to 250, the school will be formally considered for closure.
The eight schools with fewer than 300 students that have been placed on the watchlist:
- Park Hills Elementary - 174 students
- Sunrise Elementary - 196 students
- Pleasant Valley Elementary - 197 students
- Allen 6th Grade Campus - 210 students
- Landergin Elementary - 260 students
- Travis 6th Grade Campus - 275 students
- Lamar Elementary - 279 students
- Hamlet Elementary - 281 students
The district’s next steps include a Dec. 16 meeting to present potential school pairings for consolidation.