Business & Finance

President of University of Missouri system resigns

Tim Wolfe announces departure in the midst of racial tensions at the university
Nov. 9, 2015

With the University of Missouri embroiled in controversy over racial incidents and the institution's response to them, University System President Tim Wolfe has announced his resignation, effective immediately.

The Columbia Tribune reports that Wolfe announced his departure at the start of a Board of Curators meeting Monday morning.

"It's the right thing to do," Wolfe said.

Wolfe's resignation comes after numerous calls for him to quit or be fired, a hunger strike by a student, a planned walkout by some of the faculty, and the threat that members of the University of Missouri football team would refuse to play in future games unless Wolfe was removed from his post.

Wolfe has been under intense criticism over the administration’s handling of several racist incidents. Wolfe angered many students when he refused to address protesters in October at the university's homecoming parade. Protesters had blocked his car during the parade to get him to address issues of racism.

A group of students called ConcernedStudent1950 has demanded Wolfe be removed and that the university changes the way it handles racial incidents. A graduate student, Jonathan Butler, began a hunger strike last week to try to force Wolfe to give up the presidency.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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