Jason GlassThe Denver Post reports Jason E. Glass, now superintendent in Eagle County, is on track to become chief of the 86,000-student Jefferson County system, the state's second-largest district. T
he board is scheduled to cast a final vote on whether to hire Glass at a special meeting May 16.
Before joining the 7,000-student Eagle County school district in 2013, Glass served as Iowa’s director of education. Previous to that, he was senior director of human capital strategy with Battelle for Kids, a Columbus, Ohio-based organization that advances educational equity and opportunity for all students.
Glass also has held several posts with the Colorado Department of Education, and worked as a university instructor and high school teacher in Kentucky.
The board launched a nationwide search earlier this year for a new superintendent after deciding not to renew Dan McMinimee’s contract. The board vote in favor of Glass was unanimous, in contrast to the bitterly contested 3-to-2 vote in 2014 that chose McMinimee.