Recreation & Athletic Facilities

Alabama district allocates $42 million for athletic facility upgrades at 7 high schools

New gymnasiums will be built at 6 of the 7 high schools in the Baldwin County district.
April 26, 2023

The Baldwin County (Ala.) school board has approved plans to spend more than $42 million upgrading athletic facilities at its seven high schools. reports that the plan calls for new gymnasiums at six of the seven public high schools in the county. The only exception is Spanish Fort, which completed construction on a new gym in the last two years.

The $42 million in athletic improvements are part of a larger $57 million facilities plan that includes upgrades to band and music spaces and parking lots.

Funding for the upgrade comes in part from money the city of Orange Beach paid to secede last year from the Baldwin County school system and also from sales tax revenue.

The projects are expected to take 2 to 2 ½ years to complete, officials say.

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