Bond Issues

$508 million bond package wins approval in Round Rock (Texas) district

Success at the polls comes 18 months after voters said no to a similarly sized bond request.
Nov. 7, 2018

Round Rock (Texas) school district voters have approved as $508.4 million bond proposal, which the district says will provided funding for critical infrastructure priorities.

Among the facility improvements the bond money will pay for: a new elementary school to alleviate crowding on the district's east side, significant upgrades at McNeil and Westwood high schools, enhanced campus safety and security, technology upgrades, additions to replace portable classrooms throughout the district, and a practice swim facility.

The successful bond request comes 18 months after voters in the suburban Dallas school system rejected a $572 million proposal. For many years, it has been one of the faster growing districts in Texas

“With the passage of this Bond, we will be able to meet the needs of our growing population, enhance safety on our campuses, and modernize aging facilities to ensure equity across the District,” says Superintendent Steve Flores.

Round Rock now has about 48,500 students; it projects that in 2027, student enrollment will reach 52,810—about triple in size from 30 years earlier.

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About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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