yes la bond

Los Angeles school district's $7 billion bond OK'd by voters

Nov. 5, 2020
The money will enable the district to upgrade hundreds of aging school facilities.

Voters in the Los Angeles Unified School District have overwhelmingly approved a $7 billion bond request that will enable the nation's second-largest school system with a steady flow of money to improve its facilities and technology.

CBS LA reports that the ballot question, Measure RR, was approved by nearly 71% of voters.

“Because of voter support, and the support of labor, business and community leaders, more students will get access to safe and updated schools and learning technology,” Los Angeles School Superintendent Austin Beutner said in a statement.

The measure is expected to raise about $329 million annually until 2055. The bond package is similar to $7 billion school facilities bond measure that Los Angeles voters approved in 2008; that measure was mostly reserved solely for making immediate repairs to school buildings.

The district will use the bond money to address the district's aging facilities, according to Yes on RR, a group that worked to pass the proposal

"While some new schools have been built, and others have been modernized, more than 70% of our public-school buildings were built more than 50 years ago," Yes on RR said. "Many are deteriorating and do not meet today’s standards for learning and safety."

For instance, the group says, 9 million square feet of school roofs and 38,000 school heating ventilation and air conditioning units in the district are old, unreliable, and need replacement

The bond funds will

  • Update school and learning technology
  • Complete basic and necessary school site upgrades
  • Reduce/ remove asbestos, lead paint, and water quality hazards in schools
  • Modernize science, technology, engineering, and math classrooms and labs for 21st century learning
  • Improve accessibility, earthquake safety and school security
  • Upgrade schools to Covid-19 cleanliness and distancing standards for student, faculty and staff safety.
About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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