Bond Issues

Northwest (Texas) district seeks bond issue of nearly $2 billion

The district, where enrollment has more than quadrupled in 20 years, seeks to build a high school, a middle school, six elementary schools and four early childhood centers.
Feb. 15, 2023
2 min read

Seeking to address rapid enrollment growth, the Northwest (Texas) school district, based in Fort Worth, will ask voters in May to approve a bond proposal of nearly $2 billion.

The bonds would provide the funds for the district to build 12 new schools and additional facilities. The projects would provide classroom space for an additional 8,400 students.

The bond proposal is divided into three ballot questions: Proposition A seeks $1,672,193,000 to pay for a high school, a middle school, four new elementary schools, two replacement elementary schools and four early childhood centers.

Proposition B seeks $301,555,000 to pay for stadiums at Byron Nelson and Eaton high schools as well as the planned new high school.

Proposition C seeks $21,752,000 to pay for technology devices for teachers and students.

Together the three propositions seek approval of $1,995,500,000 in bonds.

Enrollment in the 234-square-mile Northwest district has more than quadrupled in the last 20 years. It had 6,177 students in 2003, and in 2023 it had 29,248 students.

A new high school, the district’s fourth, would alleviate crowding at Eaton and Northwest high schools. Each of those is projected to exceed their capacities by 400 or more students by 2026.

The proposed middle school, the district’s eighth, would ease crowding at that level; four of the district’s seven existing middle schools are at or over capacity. 

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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