Green Design & Buildings

Elementary school in Boynton Beach, Fla., earns LEED platinum

Galaxy E3 Elementary in the Palm Beach County district is Florida's first LEED platinum school.
May 12, 2015

Galaxy E3 Elementary School in Boynton, Beach, Fla., has received LEED Platinum certification for its environmentally friendly design and construction. The Palm Beach district says Galaxy is the first school--public or private--in Florida to receive a platinum rating--the highest designation awarded by the U.S. Green Building Council.

The 109,000-square-foot campus opened in August 2013 and replaced a 53-year-old school that had been on the site.

"The LEED Platinum designation is an amazing achievement that places Galaxy E3 in the upper echelon of being an energy efficient, eco-friendly school center that will make a lasting impact in conservation and sustainability," says Principal Edmund Capitano.

Environmentally conscious construction is now district policy in Palm Beach County; new construction projects must follow environmental standards required for LEED certification. Nine district-operated schools have received LEED certification, and certification is pending at four other schools.

Among the sustainable features at Galaxy E3: solar power, preferred parking for electric cars, a four-acre natural habitat, and a two-story Wonderment Center with interactive exhibits that reinforce the school’s Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math focus.

The architect is Zyscovich Architects, and the builder is Pirtle Construction.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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