
New York governor announces $59 million toward a "Clean Green Schools" initiative

The program aims to advance clean energy and energy-efficiency solutions that will improve indoor air quality and reduce emissions for more than 500 schools in disadvantaged communities.
Sept. 24, 2021
2 min read

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is allocating $59 million toward a Clean Green Schools imitative. 

The program aims to advance clean energy and energy-efficiency solutions that will improve indoor air quality and reduce emissions for more than 500 public and private preK-12 schools in disadvantaged communities, the governor's office says in a news release. 

The program will support New York's goal of an 85% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act).

Administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, the Clean Green Schools initiative will provide technical, financial, and human resource support to help schools in under-served areas evaluate, plan for, and establish energy-efficient and clean heating and cooling projects.

The initiative will provide a range of tools, including benchmarking, energy management, indoor air quality assessments, commissioning support, student engagement in clean energy, and professional development opportunities around clean energy and sustainability.

New York State has over 6,000 public and private K-12 schools that spend about $1 billion in annual energy costs and produce about 5.6 million metric tons of carbon dioxide or other harmful greenhouse gases. About 1,900 of these schools are in disadvantaged communities.

In addition to Clean Green Schools initiative, schools may be eligible for already launched school-focused energy-efficiency and decarbonization programs such as the P-12 Schools: Benchmarking ProgramP-12 Schools: Green and Clean Energy Solutions Program and Clean Heating and Cooling Technology Screenings.

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