Facility Planning

10 schools in Austin, Texas, could be closed as part of upgrade plan

District could replace several aging facilities and build 6 new schools, report recommends.
Dec. 1, 2016

The Austin (Texas) district could close up to 10 aging schools that are in poor condition, consolidating them with others or replacing them, according to a preliminary report from consultants working on a 25-year master plan.

The Austin American-Statesman reports that six new schools across the district could be built, and Liberal Arts and Science Academy, now on the LBJ High School campus, could be moved.

District leaders say the goal is to modernize the district and its campuses with help from a building-by-building assessment that was completed this fall.

The district’s average facility is 40 years old, and some are more than 100 years old. One in three has been determined to be in poor condition.

Voters approved a $490 million in bond proposals in 2013 for facility upgrades, but rejected another $400 million in requests.

Last month, Austin shut down T.A. Brown Elementary School after inspectors found serious structural problems.

The schools that could be closed, according to the consultant report: Brooke, Dawson, Joslin, Ortega, Pecan Springs, Ridgetop, Sanchez, and Sims elementary schools; Lucy Read Pre-Kindergarten, and Dobie Pre-K Center.

Video from KXAN-TV:

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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