Facility Planning

Gulf Shores City (Ala.) district plans to construct high school

A new high school building will enable the district to convert the existing high school building to a middle school.
Aug. 9, 2022

The Gulf Shores (Ala.) district is moving forward with plans to build a new high school.

Gulf Shores City Schools Superintendent Matt Akin says the school will be built to accommodate 1,000 students. The district now has about 800 students enrolled in high school and has been experiencing rapid growth, reports WPMI News. The district has about 2,500 students.

The Gulf Shores district was created in 2019 when the city opted to secede from the Baldwin County district and establish its own system.

Construction of the $12 million high school will enable the district to convert the existing high school building to middle school students and the existing middle school to an elementary.

The new high school is expected to open in 2025

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