Facility Planning

Specialized high school in Minneapolis will move to college campus

Wellstone International High School, with an enrollment of 150 multilingual and international students, will relocate to the third floor of Minneapolis College's Kopp Hall.
Aug. 17, 2022

A specialized high school in the Minneapolis district is relocating to the campus of Minneapolis College.

Wellstone International High School has been housed in the district's FAIR School for the Arts, but will soon move to the college campus, where students will have access to Postsecondary Enrollment Option courses and more seamlessly continue on to the college, reports The Minneapolis Star Tribune

The high school will occupy space on the third floor of Minneapolis College's Kopp Hall. Students will have their own computer lab and can access the college's theater, gym, weight rooms and art rooms when they are not in use by the college.

The high school serves about 150 multilingual and international students aged 17 to 21. 

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