New Construction

Salinas (Calif.) district ready to build its 5th comprehensive high school

Rancho San Juan High School is set to to open in 2018.
April 27, 2016

The Salinas (Calif.) Union High School District is about to break ground on the district's fifth comprehensive high school.

The Monterrey Herald reports that Rancho San Juan High School will provide space for about 1,500 students when it is completed in 2018.

The new campus will relieve crowding at several of the district's existing high schools. Salinas, Everett Alvarez and Alisal high schools all have more than 2,400 students, the district says. More than a third of the students enrolled in Salinas Union schools are housed in portable buildings.

Rancho San Juan will be a $93 million school that will have a two-story building with 49 classrooms, including eight science labs, three computer labs, a library, a media center and administrative offices.

Most of the construction funding comes from a $128 million bond issue approved by voters in 2014. Rancho San Juan's 40-acre site was bought in 2006 with funds from a 2002 bond issue.

The architect for the project is Kasavan Architects.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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