New Construction

Shelby County (Tenn.) breaks ground on elementary in South Memphis

A new Alcy Elementary would be home to students from the existing Alcy, as well as Magnolia and Charjean elementary schools.
May 24, 2019

The Shelby County (Tenn.) district has broken ground on a replacement elementary school in the south part of Memphis.

Fox 13 Memphis reports that three schools will consolidate to make up a new Alcy Elementary School. That will leave two school buildings vacant.

School board leaders say they are working on a plan that will involve people in the community to decide what should happen with the empty buildings.

The new $29 million Alcy Elementary will serve students who now attend Alcy, as well as students from Magnolia and Charjean elementary schools. It is set to open in 2020

School board member Miska Clay-Bibbs says the district has a plan for the old buildings. 

“To be honest, we have some that need to be demolished already," she says. "We have a list that we are working on.” 

This is the third time consolidation has left school buildings empty and boarded up.

In late 2018, Harris talked about the county buying another vacant school building to reduce the blight in South Memphis.

“I think it’s a great idea," Harris says. "I believe the last time we had this conversation it was about Vance Middle School, and we were able to work through the issues."

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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