New Construction

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville to build dental clinic

Building on the Alton, Ill., campus is being torn down to make way for the clinic.
April 16, 2020

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville has begun demolition of a building on its Alton campus to make way for a new dental clinic.

The St. Louis Business Journal reports that the former Multidisciplinary Lab Building 283 is being razed to make way for the SIU School of Dental Medicine's $11.5 million new Advanced Care Clinic.

The new clinic is expected to be completed in June 2021.

The facility will provide dental services to the public through SIUE's post-doctoral programs, which are being expanded. It also will provide treatment to the dental school's most vulnerable patient population: pediatric patients requiring anesthesia, officials say.

“The Advanced Care Clinic, created in response to recent challenges in the provision of healthcare, underscores our dedication to patient care in our region,” says Bruce Rotter, dean of the SIU dental school. “By adding general anesthesia capabilities in two medical operating suites, the SDM will be able to offer more comprehensive, predictable and safe treatment.”

Delta Dental of Illinois donated $1 million toward the project, and the Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation provided $2 million in funding, officials saya

MORE: Video of demolition:

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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